Getting Involved with Non-Profit Organizations in Atlanta, Georgia

Are you looking to make a difference in the Atlanta, Georgia area? There are many great non-profit organizations that offer a variety of services and opportunities to help the community. From job training and employment services to volunteer opportunities, there are plenty of ways to get involved and make a positive impact. Goodwill of North Georgia is one of the most well-known non-profit organizations in the area. With more than 100 locations throughout North Georgia, it's easy to find a thrift store or donation center near you.

Goodwill also provides job training and employment services to help people get back on their feet. The Carter Center is another non-profit organization founded by former United States President Jimmy Carter. Their mission is to promote peace and health around the world, working to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health. Goodwill Industries of North Georgia is another great organization that puts people to work.

They provide job training and employment services to approximately 200 North Georgians, mainly people with disabilities. They also have contracts to provide cleaning and facility management services, with 75% of their work done by people with disabilities. Habitat for Humanity International is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. Their mission is to provide affordable housing for those in need.

Since their founding, they have built more than 1 million homes around the world. The Southern Regional Education Board works with 16 member states to improve public education at all levels. They partner with Batelle, a research and development company that designs and manufactures products for government and commercial customers. Batelle has been providing services since 1929, with a focus on national security, health and life sciences, energy and environmental industries.

The Nature Conservancy is another charitable environmental organization based in Arlington, Virginia. Their mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Since 1915 they have been working to save threatened natural areas around the world. WestEd is a non-profit national research, development and services agency that works with education and other communities to promote excellence, achieve equity, and improve learning for children, youth and adults.

They have 16 offices across the country and hire curious and diverse people with a passion for learning. Best Friends Animal Society is an American non-profit 501 animal welfare organization founded in its current form in 1993. They work to save animals from euthanasia through adoption programs, spay/neuter initiatives, pet foster care programs, and more. Hands On Atlanta helps individuals, families, and corporate and community groups find flexible volunteer opportunities in more than 400 service organizations and schools throughout the area. The North Georgia Community Foundation offers lunches and learning sessions, affordable office space, meeting rooms for nonprofit organizations in the area, as well as plans to help organizations achieve their volunteering goals.

The Atlanta Community ToolBank provides tools and equipment to community organizations for use in service projects that promote their mission. No matter what your interests are or what kind of help you're looking for, there are plenty of non-profit organizations in Atlanta that can use your help!.

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